ISJA & IEIRBA Taikai Tickets


Collection for the Seibukan Jujutsu 31st Taikai & Enshin Itto Ryu Battojutsu Seminar

May 31, June 1, June 2 at CCB Martial Arts, 1830 Salvio St
Concord, CA 94520
United States

If you're not already registered as an active CCB student OR have not previously filled out a waiver, please fill out and bring your waiver to check in. The waiver form can be found here: Waiver Form

If you'd like to register for more than one day, simply add all of the days you'd like to attend to your cart and check out once, or select the 3 day option which is priced to include all three days at a discounted price.

Please reach out to if you have any questions before or after you register.